Professional Work Experience
12.2020 - 11.2024: Full-stack Developer at Trainalyzed GmbH
05.2019 - 06.2019: Student assistant at the department of computer science at the University of Innsbruck
10.2019 - 10.2024: MSc in Computer Science at the University of Innsbruck
10.2015 - 04.2019: BSc in Computer Science at the University of Innsbruck
10.2014 - 06.2015: Austrian Red Cross Schwaz: Civil Service as Paramedic
09.2010 - 07.2014: Bundesoberstufenrealgymnasium Schwaz (Specialisation: Computer Schience)
Technology stack at Trainalyzed
- Python
- Django
- NumPy
- Pandas
- scikit-learn
- PostgreSQL
- MongoDB
- Angular
- TypeScript
Master's program computer science at the University of Innsbruck:
- Compiler Construction
- Formal Language and Automata Theory
- Master's Seminar 1
- Master's Seminar 2
- Specialisation Module:
- Software Engineering Lab
- Distributed Applications in the Edge-Cloud Continuum
- Sequential Analysis
- Embedded Systems
- Elective Modules:
- Computer Vision
- Computer Haptics
- Advanced Concepts and Techniques in Software Engineering
- Parallel Systems
- Semantic Web
- Master's Thesis:
- 2nd Generation Sensor Network Middleware for the PermaSense Project
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science at the University of Innsbruck:
- Introduction to Programming
- Introduction to Practical Computer Science
- Introduction to Technical Computer Science
- Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science
- Computer Networks and Internet Technology
- Software Engineering and Project Management
- Specialisation Seminar
- Distributed Systems
- Ethical Issues in Computer Science
- Cyberlaw
- Introduction to Religious Studies
- Introduction to Computer Vision
- Information Theory and Cryptology
- QSP Lab
- Software Quality Science
- Linear Algebra
- Algorithms and Data Structures
- Operating Systems
- Discrete Mathematics
- Programming Methodology
- Analysis
- Database Systems
- Design of Software Systems
- Functional Programming
- Logic
- Computer Graphics
- Introduction to Autonomous Intelligent Systems
- Web Services
- Seminar with Bachelor's Thesis
Programming languages most frequently used in Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes
- C
- Java
- Python